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Buysellvouchers.com: Making communications phenomenal

What is Betamax and how does it works

It has been a long duration of time since almost every single man is using a mobile phone, and life seems hard without it. Mobile calls are frequently less expensive than the services that were provided by landline telephone operators. On the other hand, communicating with people can be even much cheaper and also in some other cases may be totally free. Time has passed, and technology has already made its way to an everlasting evolution. And this certain opportunity emerged in the so-called “Hi-Tech Era” and also thanks to the fascinating development of IP or now we may call VoIP telephone services.


In this day and age, there are numerous VoIP operators; and Betamax is one of the top-rated operators in this generation. And fundamentally, Betamax is not just a regular VoIP telephone operator but also more of a corporation that consists of a network of operators. At this moment, there are more than forty websites in Betamax structure, and also every single one of these sites has its own features. For illustration, there are numbers of operators Betamax network which allocate their customers to make free international calls, and others tolerate the organization of virtual ATS which are not mediocre to real telephone stations but also sometimes may even overcome them too.

The question that lingers in each and every single corner of the communication path was “how to use Betamax to make a certain call?” The answer was it is quite simple, to be able to utilize the services of IP telephone giant Betamax, it is essential to take enough easy steps.

• The Foremost thing that certainly requires to be done is to visit one of the official websites of the operator. And finding these certain web resources is much more straightforward with the assistance of any single search engine. At the very moment that the site is located, a simple registration form must be filled out and accomplished;

• At the time that the registration on one of the Betamax websites is achieved, the new customer must be able to download compatible software for his or her computer or even mobile device. More important generally, the customer software may be downloaded right from the Betamax websites not only for the most widely spread on OS Windows but also for the little less known such as the Linux and Mac OS environment. Above all, the customer software for their mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones is also downloaded. The software is created and designed for the iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and yet also the Java environments;

• Right after the software is downloaded, it is a good time to install it and also to type all the registration data. Right there, every single Betamax customer can be able to make his/her free international calls, and nevertheless, in this certain case, the calls within the home are meant. And to be able to make calls to mobile and landline phones at any place all around and across the globe, it is also necessary to refill the user's account. The smallest amount of money account can be able to be replenished only for 5 Euro. Also with these, there are several different ways of account replenishment a little bit more and further.

For the incoming calls, Betamax users may not just only be able to make calls but also be able on accepting incoming calls too. Plus there is nothing that the customers needed to do just to be able to take calls right within the home network. Conversely, to be able to accept calls right from a mobile or even landline phone, the users will also have to resort to the virtual number service, and also it will be provided by Betamax. In supplementary with the data mentioned above, any single person who desires to sign up for this certain feature can also do it alone right on the website of almost any operator of the network; and it has a configuration of a regular landline number. And right after the activation, the customer will be able to make calls on both local and international by using only a computer or a mobile number.

If to talk regarding the advantages of VoIP telephone and particularly Betamax network here are the following benefits among others:

• The possibility of making intercity and also international calls for just an affordable and cheaper price costs rather than what the mobile and landline operators can indeed offer;

• An entirely free communications and file transfer within the home network;

• The users are not bound to any single place, and VoIP calls can be made from any location all across and around the world, where broadband internet connection is accessible, and calls can also be accepted anywhere;

• Customers of the operator are not losing their number even in the case of moving to a new place. As a matter of fact, it does not matter whether he or she is moving to another city or another country and the virtual number will stay just the same;

• Certainly, there is no license fee for the various period, and if the customer does not have the need for using the telephone services he or she may not refill his/her account for numerous years; nonetheless, his or her account will remain active. The customer is charged only for the service of his DID or the virtual number;

• The possibility to forward calls to landlines or even to mobile networks, big credits to the forwarding, the customers of any IP telephone operator which includes Betamax indeed always remains online;

• The organization of a fully operational telephone line with over the summation of 50 channels;

• The possibility to make conference calls;

• Also keen on confidentiality;

• The possibility to make various scenarios for incoming calls;

• Lastly, safe with highly secure transmission of voice messages and other data;

Regarding the charges, it was mentioned numerous times already, that the cost of prices of VoIP telephone operator, Betamax is quite a lot times cheaper than the mobile or even landline phone operators have. It certainly makes no sense at all to write down the entire price list because it will not even fit into ten pages. For a case in point, a call to a landline phone in Spain right from anywhere around the world will only just cost 1 cent, but calls to a mobile phone in the same country will cost 5 cents per minute, and Betamax operators cost 65 cents per minute but generally, to less known places. It is possible to learn more regarding the value of prices on a particular website of the operator. And if indeed to talk about the value prices for the service of DID numbers, it, therefore, depends on quite a few factors:

• The structure number;

• The certain number of channels;

• Lastly, the country of registration.

Typically, the monthly cost is not more than a few Euros. Nevertheless, a fully operational superb office number will cost a little bit more. Betamax customer account may be refilled for not less than 5 Euros.

When it comes to refilling an account, it is fast and easy on Betamax customers’ accounts. And to be able to make it happen, it is yet essential to visit the main website of the operator and also use the electronic refilling service. On this certain page, the operator must be selected to which the customer is connected, and also the registration data and the amount of the money should be precise. There are tons of means to be able to refill Betamax account, among which there are post or bank transactions, and electronic payment systems such as the Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards, Pay-By-SMS, and so on and so port.

The account may be refilled by using a special Betamax voucher, and one of these can be purchased right from the official dealers or on the website of a particular Betamax operator. An electronic voucher is a 16-digit code. To be able to refill the user's account with this certain voucher, the internet site of a particular operator of the Betamax network should be visited, and the code should be typed into a particular form. Right after that account will be refilled in 10-15 minutes.

Here you can see the offerings of the current Betamax products:
