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English Русский Deutsch 中文 Español Français اللغة العربية


Italy in 2020 is a country of emigration
ne and immigration: flows of people
entering and exiting the national territory
changes in the demographic composition
pussy of the company, making more and more
composite that rich range of origins
ni, languages ​​and cultures that he traced the
history of the peninsula. Among these, Islam
represents one of the most social realities
numerous, widespread and consolidated on the territory
national ritory. Yet, despite the
its numerous and structural presence, and
despite the interaction processes and
integration that he was able to implement
act, up to now the public institutions and
private have governed the change
to with difficulty. A need arises
of knowledge at all social levels and, a
even more so, in the context of rights
fundamentals and personal services.
The Primed project – Promotion and in-
teration in the trans-Mediterranean space
neo, with its training offer and its
operational tools, of which this
lume is an example, intends to offer a
contribution for an update of
lenses with which to look at the reality of the
slam and its protagonists. The volume
is aimed at public administrators,
managers, professionals and operators of
medical-health services, social assistance-
them and economic-financial, like everyone else
those who, whether in training or not, do
find themselves interacting on a daily basis
with a Muslim audience. Fruit of a
interdisciplinary work, the text intends
be a tool for training and
reflection starting from knowledge, experience
zes and practical skills that represent
they feel they are a fundamental tool
to deconstruct stereotypes and design
new ways to avoid getting caught
re unprepared for the challenges of the present e
of the near future.
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